
Life Transition? Reinvent Yourself!

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stockAccording to a Huffington Post article, 55 percent of American women polled by PayPal explained that they are entrepreneurs because they seek a healthier work-life balance. Meanwhile, 47 percent of women said that passion for their career was their strongest motivation. For me, both passion and obtaining a work-life balance (quality family time) is extremely important. This is why I strive to keep an open mind when it comes to expanding my self-employment opportunities.

Risk is risk no matter the career. But it’s especially risky as competition increases, such as in a creative field, and takes even more guts. I had an exciting opportunity to work with a friend from undergraduate film school. She was at a transitional period in her career when, after getting sick, she took time off. In doing so, she found the time to pursue another creative venture. The next thing she knew, a hobby turned into a new business – her own fashion line.

The Bottom Line:

I enjoyed the opportunity to film and edit this video. Working in the creative field isn’t easy but can also be extremely rewarding. As I stated in a previous article, you have to think outside of the box and produce your own opportunity in a creative world. It’s great if you have contacts, connections and “peeps” to open doors for you. If you’re applying for jobs, that’s great. Keep at it. But in the meantime, if the doors aren’t opening immediately, then why rely on others to give you the opportunity that you can otherwise create for yourself?

George Lopez

Weigh the Pros and Cons of Self-Employment to Determine if it’s Right for You

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Being self-employed has definite benefits and drawbacks. Owning your own business or working for yourself can sound like a dream come true, but is it really? It’s all up to you and how you prepare yourself and your blossoming business for success.freelance

The positive side to working from home is that you can set your own hours. The down side is that you work from home and set your own hours. It’s very easy to deviate from the hours you plan on working when you are your own boss. Good ideas can come to you in the middle of the night, while cooking dinner or even playing with your children. When you work at home, you’re almost always at work. Think about it. Is that what you really want?

Most self-employed small business owners and freelancers tend to not deviate from their schedules. In other words they are workaholics. They don’t know the meaning of an eight-hour day. In fact, if they don’t work a 12 or 13-hour day they feel like a slacker. At least that’s how I feel. Read the rest of this entry »