
Depression is NOT Lack of Gratitude

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Depression is Not Lack of Gratitude

In my experience, anytime people hear of someone who throws the word “depressed” around with the next breath you are automatically bombarded with the word “gratitude.” And the more you’ve seemingly accomplished in life, it seems, the more you’re a total moron for living with a serious and underestimated illness such as clinical depression. Read the rest of this entry »

Diversify Your Coping Skills

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If you’ve watched Limitless you’ll probably agree that the concept of taking one pill to make you brilliant, happy and invincible is not a new one. Like the “fountain of youth” we’re always looking for that magic elixir that will make us younger and more beautiful, or the best medically crafted and extensively researched pill that can make us not only exceptionally happy but also elevate our IQ to a level that provides us with solutions to all of life’s problems and removes from our mind all doubt in our abilities.

The popular trend heads more towards a culture obsessed with organic living, one that praises the holistic, go-green, recycle, anti-dairy, gluten-free, take-your-vitamins-and-herbs, and don’t-forget-to-consume-only-organic/non-pesticide-riddled-food. Others find a bit more comfort in modestly embracing the organic trend, realizing that not everything prescribed by our doctor or psychiatrist is necessarily horrible or evil. I believe in a customizable approach to life, where people ought to realize that they’re individuals and that not just one solution fits everyone. Read the rest of this entry »

R.I.P. Robin Williams: The Road to Mental Health Awareness is Not Without its Potholes

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R.I.P. Robin Williams

DEPRESSION: A Serious Illness

In memory of the very tragic, shocking and sudden suicide of Robin Williams, I am re-posting the following article because I find it fitting for the moment. This was written in April and in my article Are Your Feelings Running Your Life, I provided a list of comedians that I learned had suffered or suffer from depression, bipolar disorder, or some form of mental illness. And yes, Robin Williams was apart of this list. Read the rest of this entry »

Our 4 Legged Spirit Guides: Therapeutic & Life Changing

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“My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you’re ugly too.” ~Rodney Dangerfield

I don’t have kids, but here’s Abigail my little 5 pound Japanese Chin. She is the sweetest thing with the biggest heart. I remember when she was a puppy, she would swim in the water when I took her to a lake. She wanted to show me that she could do it and that she wasn’t afraid. She is small, but despite her size I always got the sense from her that she had to try extra hard, harder than her brother Abraham who is almost 3 times her size.

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