
Stopping the ‘Should-Haves’

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Regardless of where you are at in life, almost all of us can look back at a moment or moments and reflect on all the things we didn’t do but should have. Perhaps you’re going back to school and finally getting the degree you always wanted, but you took a few detours getting there. You started a family, worked while your husband went to school or maybe you were single and just not ready. You wanted to travel, explore your options, live life and have a little fun. Read the rest of this entry »

If It Can’t Get WORSE, It Can Only Get BETTER!!

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in-a-holeYou might be currently shaking your head right now saying to yourself, “But… you have no idea what I am going through right now.” And you are absolutely correct about that, no one truly understands all of your extenuating circumstances, the intricacies, and details that might have already led to one big catastrophe. Read the rest of this entry »

Our Thoughts Are With The Victims Of The Seattle Pacific University Shooting

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I have but few words….except to say that the escalating violence amongst the youth is frightening. And who is to blame? The mother, the father, the media, the environment, or circumstances? At some point regardless of where we come from and if we were: bullied, beaten, battered, abused and lived in poverty or lack, nothing excuses taking innocent lives.

Everyone wants to figure out the motive and honestly, there is a part of me that does too. Why do people go postal? What makes someone just “snap?” I don’t know. I do not care what you’ve gone through as a human being, there is no excuse for murder.