social anxiety

The Tragic Death of Chris Cornell: Depression’s Toxic Bedfellow…Suicide

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Chris Cornell’s death will stand to be one of the saddest moments in rock history as yet another infinitely talented artists is no longer of this world. It is one of the most profound recent tragedies next to the loss of Prince, at least for me.

He was gifted with one of the better rock voices in the modern era of grunge and alternative rock. Cornell was blessed with raw talent that made him a Rock God, one that aspiring as well as successful musicians idolized. And to pair up his throttled, husky voice, Chris had the perfect looks to be the front man for Soundgarden and Audioslave. The man with a 4-octave vocal range was also lead songwriter, guitarist, and drummer. Read the rest of this entry »

The Importance of Listening: Tap into the Journalist inside You

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attentive-listeningI realized that after experiencing both the good and the bad, the one universal desire that everyone has in common— people want to be understood and heard. Every time we open ourselves up to the world, we welcome in criticism, judgment, and every day reality that makes us flawed and human. So, most of us are grateful when we meet nonjudgmental people.

Some people are more introverted than others, but everyone to some degree enjoys having the opportunity to be heard. And unfortunately we’ve all been a little guilty of interrupting others only to insert our own experiences, stories, perspective, and opinion. Extroverted individuals are often guilty of selling themselves a little too much. Personally, I have always experienced social anxiety. Most people wouldn’t know it because I appear quite talkative, energetic, and openly friendly to any stranger I meet. Though, inside, I am aware of nervous energy and social anxiety that have always been with me. Read the rest of this entry »